Live S​ent is a series of interactive workshops which inspire, equip and empower Christians, who may struggle to see themselves as evangelists or disciple-makers, to live organically and intentionally, as the sent people of God.
Imagine everyday "average" Christians reaching out and making disciples, who make disciples, as the natural outflow of their daily lives!
Imagine your church reaching into every neighborhood and network represented in your congregation.
Imagine an outreach program with the potential to transform entire neighborhoods, and it doesn’t require a budget, because it isn't even a program.
Live Sent is not scripture memorization or a memorized presentation.​​
Rather than learning what to do and how to do it, participants of a Live Sent Weekend will experience a shift in how they see themselves, the people they come in contact with, their role in the Kingdom, and how natural it can be to live as the sent people of God! A Live Sent Weekend will instill a heart and passion to personally, intentionally and organically reach and disciple those in their neighborhoods and networks with a different perspective and an intentional strategy they can utilize immediately.